Perception Skills
What are they?
The ability to make sense of what the eyes see.
These skills are required to perform everyday tasks, such as copying information from a board during class, understanding symbols, being able to read and write and common day activities such as cutting and dressing
Problems with these skills may affect a child’s self esteem and compromise their academic and play performance. They may have difficulty with attention and concentration around activities.
How CogniBlocks Develops Perception Skills
Children’s senses are challenged when confronted with certain tasks: the problem needs to be visualised and a solution built. The children receive feedback from the instructor to encourage critical thinking skills: maybe the wall they have built has to enclose something or house a window or include a set of stairs.
Certain exercises expect the children to pay attention to as much detail as possible. They are then asked if certain features were present in the observed pictures or structures.
Children may be asked to recall if certain colours, sequences, orientations were present. This prepares children to expect any type of question based on what they have observed.
Children are given visual exercises to develop problem solving skills. Memory skills are practised and imagination is needed when building a favourite animal or solving a problem like crossing a makeshift lake. Children are asked to explain why they have built something in a certain way or what the structure’s function is in the real world.
Empowering Young
Minds To Soar!