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Literacy Skills

What are they?

The ability to listen and speak with a broad vocabulary and ability to give and follow instructions.

Research proves that language plays a key role in the development of other important skills. A child’s level of language skills before entering school predicts their success in reading, Mathematics and even has an effect on social skills development. [1]


How CogniBlocks Develops Literacy Skills


During lessons children are encouraged to use their voices: structures they have built are presented, questions are answered about distinguishable features of  objects and their memory is challenged. Different terms are learnt that are used to describe orientation and placing of blocks. Sequences are dictated and need to be created.

Children practise listening skills and broaden their vocabulary by following instructions given by the instructor or their peers. Certain lessons include stories for which children build the endings, whilst other stories involve comprehension building tasks to be performed.


Children are involved in group activities in which they need to be able to communicate their intentions to others, engaging in team work to complete activities. These tasks allow children freedom to express themselves and encourages creativity and imagination.


  1. Pace, A., et al. (2018). Measuring success: Within and cross-domain predictors of academic and social trajectories in elementary school. Early Childhood Research Quarterly.


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